Gambling Cover Photo

8 Photos about Gambling and Poker on white background. You can use them as hero image, on website, on flyers. The photos has been made leaving a free area suitable to add a quote or text. Gambling Addiction Treatment Length Insurance Plans Will Cover If you decide to get help for your gambling problem, you may be wondering how much treatment your insurance will cover. Depending on your insurance provider and the nature of your addiction, your company may only be willing to cover a set length of time in treatment.

Facebook cover photos are a perfect example of how social media marketing is different than just regular social media usage. A great personal cover photo can be anything that we think looks great on profile; our business cover photos need to do much more.

A Page’s Facebook cover photo needs to be branded and represent our business. It also must be high-quality and perfectly optimized for display; this means knowing the perfect Facebook cover photo size.

This post is going to take a look at the perfect Facebook cover photo size and best cover photo practices to help your images represent your business exactly how you want.

Bonus: We’ve integrated Facebook’s cover photo dimensions and safe zones into our graphic design tool. It will look perfect on mobile and desktop! Create a Facebook cover photo for free!

Facebook Cover Photo Dimensions

According to Facebook, your cover photo displays at 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall on computers and 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall on smartphones.

This is a great starting point, but of course it’s never quite that simple. It’s tricky because your Facebook cover displays differently on mobile and desktop devices.

Therefore, we recommend using the dimensions 820px by 360px and to keep all text and graphics in the middle safe zone as per the specifications below:

Cover Photos on Desktop vs. Mobile

When designing your Facebook cover photo, you need to be careful because the cover image is displayed differently on mobile and desktop. Although, designing with safe zones in mind will get you a Facebook cover photo that will display properly on both devices.

Fortunately, Facebook doesn’t stretch and distort an image to fit a certain dimension; it crops it automatically instead. On a mobile device, your Facebook cover photo will crop out the sides, while showing more of the cover photo’s height.

Alternatively on a desktop device, Facebook displays more of your cover photo’s width while cropping the top and bottom.

With all that being said, we recommend using the Facebook cover photo size of 820 pixels by 360 pixels and designing within the safe zones. This will ensure that none of the critical components of your cover photo are getting cut off on mobile devices or on desktop.

How to Create a Facebook Cover Photo with Snappa

If you’re ready to create a Facebook cover photo, our powerful and easy-to-use graphics builder has made this process incredibly simple. Here’s a step-by-step video showing you how to create a Facebook cover photo with the right size using Snappa.

Here are some screenshots to help walk you through the whole process. You can choose the Facebook cover photo pre-set for an automatic perfect cover photo size.

Once you’ve selected this option, you can choose from one of our pre-made Facebook Cover templates (which is fully customizable) or create a cover photo from scratch.

Even if you use a template, you can upload your own image or choose from our library of images. Add text, graphics, shapes, and effects to any part of the image. All of these add-ons can be dragged and dropped easily; you can define the opacity of each, and choose what layer you want them to show up in.

You’ll notice that we also include an overlay showing the mobile and desktop only zones of your Facebook cover so you’ll never have to worry about text and graphics getting cut off.

What Should My Facebook Cover Photo Be?

Aside from choosing something that is both high quality and relevant to our business, it can be difficult to know exactly what your cover photo should feature. That depends entirely on you, your business, and what you believe your target audience will be most receptive to.

Some great ideas for use cases of cover photos include:

  • Use your cover photo drive sales or lead generation. I believe very strongly than the “social” should come before “marketing” in social media marketing, but that doesn’t mean that there’s no room to promote your business. A cover photo designed to drive sales or leads, combined with a relevant CTA Page button, can get you more results without a lot of extra work on your part.
  • Feature UGC. User generated content is one of the most powerful marketing tools at your disposal; using this authentic type of content in your cover photo can go a long way in rapport and loyalty building.
  • Advertise upcoming events. If you have a free webinar, a conference, or even a social contest that’s coming up soon, don’t be afraid to feature it in your Facebook cover photo. It’s an effective way to let new users know about it right away
  • Demonstrate product features & benefits. This can tie into sales, but showcasing product benefits can also immediately set you apart from the competition.
  • Show off your store. If you happen to have a storefront or an office space where you’re located, it can make a gorgeous photo and increase foot traffic.
  • Feature team members & employees. Employee generated content (EGC) can be just as valuable as UGC, and featuring real employees in your cover photo can humanize your business and show the real people behind it.

Facebook Cover Photo Mistakes to Avoid

While you can choose any number of images for your Page’s cover photo, there are a few practices you should stay away from. Certain mistakes will detract from your Page, and may even detract from how new users perceive your business.

Some big Facebook cover photo mistakes businesses should avoid include:

  • Using the same cover photo. Facebook header images differ in sizing across Facebook events and Facebook groups. Use the proper dimensions to optimize your pages.
  • Having too much text. Some text is great, especially if it’s being used for branding. Some photos, though, only have text overlay against a solid backdrop. This is typically not a good move, even if you’re focusing on an insanely motivational quote; instead, your cover photo should actually be an image that’s able to speak (mostly) for itself.
  • Too much clutter. We’ve all seen pictures on social media that have so much going on that looking at them too long might give us a headache. There’s lots of colors and focal points and things to look at. While this might sound appealing at first (it will definitely draw the eye, at least), it’s just difficult to focus on and can even look sloppy.
  • Not taking the current Page format into consideration. Remember when profile pictures showed up in the bottom corner of the cover photo, and sometimes important parts of the image were cut out? Facebook changes it’s formatting fairly often; every time they do, check your photo on mobile and desktop to make sure nothing is getting cut off.
  • Choosing something generic. You want your cover photo to jump out at users; that’s partially what it’s there for. Choosing a generic image that could be about your business somehow won’t have the impact that you’re looking for.
  • Not adding branding. When possible, adding subtle branding like your logo to the image can make a big difference with brand recognition.

Great Cover Photo Examples from Small & Online Businesses

If you’re looking for some inspiration, look no further than these 7 great cover photo examples from small and online businesses.

1. Drip

Gambling Facebook Cover Photo

Drip’s cover photo is a great example of how to use the prime real estate to get more leads. Their photo shows how simple it is to use their product—ease of use is a huge benefit.

Immediately next to this, they have a CTA to join their free online training, and even use an arrow and a “Register now” in the bottom corner of the cover photo to draw attention to the CTA button. This allows the entire cover photo to act as a lead gen tool, even sending a user’s focal point onto the CTA.

2. Buffer

It’s not a surprise that Buffer’s Facebook cover photo is a great example to take note of.

Their cover photo is simple and clean, and advertising their new podcast. Again, this is using a prime focal point on their business’s Page to advertise their content. When users click on the cover photo itself, they have links to both the iTunes and Google Play links so users can listen to the podcast on whichever platform they prefer.

3. Sizzors Hair Salon

Another example cover photo we’re going to look at is from Sizzors Hair Salon, and it’s effective for a number of reasons.

First, the cover photo is seasonal and relevant. They tie in autumn leaves with gorgeous auburn hair. They also make good use of limited text to get their point across, advertising their services as “art” and “high-end.”

One of the best things this cover photo does is placing an award badge in the corner of the cover photo. Their “Best of Orlando” award (which includes all the dates they’ve won) is placed prominently. This is a genius move, as it lets all first time visitors know that they’re services are proven to be high quality. This can drive major conversions, especially with a “Book Now” CTA immediately below it.


4. Tamara Knight Photography

It would be a little tragic to have a blog post on amazing cover photo examples and not have a local photographer on the list. Fortunately, Tamara Knight Photography not only has a wonderful photographer, but some great social media marketing.

This cover photo is a fantastic choice, which is impressive considering the sheer number of gorgeous images professional photographers have to choose from. It shows a family that is happy, smiling, and laughing. It’s dynamic, engaging, and feels alive. It automatically makes you smile, which evokes an emotional response and starts connecting you with the business.

The family photo not only has an emotional appeal (which holds so much weight), it also contrasts with the business’s profile picture. Since the business offers headshots, featuring a headshot in the profile picture and a family shot in the cover photo shows a range of services the business offers. This will help let customers looking for diverse services know immediately that the photographer can meet their needs.

Finally, the branding in this picture is a great example. It’s a faint watermark, so it’s not obtrusive, but it’s still there and present. It makes the Page seem more official, and hammers home that this is a legitimate business with high quality services.

5. Bar Method Winter Park

Our next Facebook cover photo example is from Bar Method in Winter Park. This location does a fantastic job of social media marketing in general, and is a great source of marketing examples for SMBs.

This cover photo makes use of some social image best practices, including using both strong lighting and light colors. The reflection and the woman’s dark hair automatically draws your eye to her, so the focus of the image is still visual and on the business’s services, even though text takes up a large portion of the image.

The text itself is a smart choice for three reasons. The first is that it’s motivating and uplifting, which a lot of us (read: me) need before any type of physical activity. It also uses different color and sizes in text to make it more visually dynamic and feel less like a block of text. Finally—and this is the big one—it features their branded hashtag. They do this in the darkest color, which contracts most with the image. This will help new users—both new and returning—know which hashtag to use when sharing UGC, which can help drive engagement.

6. Bailey’s Grocery in Sanibel, Fl

A lot of small businesses have a very distinctive voice and have a specific way they want to present themselves. Bailey’s Grocery in Sanibel, Florida specifically chose a cover photo that represented their brand and how they wanted to present themselves.

This picture paints Bailey’s as a small-town, family-run business. It’s got the fresh-picked produce in the back of the truck, which viewers will automatically associate with fresh, high quality foods they can buy in store. The image looks classic, even if it was taken recently, and they introduce themselves as a staple business in a small community. This also helps drive home the brand they’re choosing to present themselves as, which can increase customer loyalty and trust.

The last great thing I want to flag on this is the incredible subtle branding on the image. The logo and business name shows up on the door of the truck, so it feels natural in the image, but it’s still there. It’s marketing that doesn’t even look like marketing, which comes across as transparent and authentic. If you’re able to replicate that appeal, do it.

7. One Blood

Our last cover photo example is from one blood. OneBlood is technically a nonprofit, but their cover photo does a few things so well that I wanted to include it here so that SMBs can use some of the strategies with their own businesses.

One blood’s entire cover photo acts as a CTA. It features a picture of a gorgeous smiling child next to a quote about how all the blood donors that donated to OneBlood saved him. The quote isn’t from him, it’s from his mother—the one person who could adequately pull at the heartstrings just a little more. This evokes an immediate emotional reaction, which is a great step towards getting someone to take any kind of action.

Above the image is a textual CTA, encouraging users to share their story, their power, and to save lives. This encourages more UGC, which will help them promote their brand, and to donate blood to “save lives.” Businesses that work with non-profits or that have products that can have an emotional impact (insurance can protect your family, for example) can use this strategy.

Where to Find Great Cover Photos

Some amazing cover photos will just be made from graphics, like Buffer’s and Drip’s. Others will utilize actual photographs. Whichever you choose, there are plenty of resources you can pull images from if you don’t have a high-quality image that you’ve taken yourself.

These include:

  • Free stock photo sites like StockSnap, Pexels and Unsplash, which offer free stock photos available for commercial use.
  • User generated content, which is free and often available in abundance. Some UGC is extremely high quality, and many users would be honored if you used it as part of your cover photo.

Gambling Facebook Cover Photos

Final Thoughts

The perfect Facebook cover photo size goes a long way in helping you make a great first impression with new users. Your image look good when displayed on both mobile and desktop, without bizarre cropping or the image showing up off-center. Combining the perfect cover photo size with Facebook cover photo best practices can help you build the social presence and reputation that you want to create for your business.

What do you think? What does your perfect Facebook cover photo look like? How do you use your cover photo to represent your business? Let us know in the comments below!

Central government thinktank NITI Aayog released a draft position paper on Friday, titled ‘Guiding Principles for the Uniform National-level Regulation of Online Fantasy Sports Platforms in India’. The document recognises the stupendous growth of digital games and enormous potential for contributing to the nation’s economic development while proposing certain overarching guidelines for bringing clarity, certainty, and stability to the online fantasy sports sector.

Coming in the backdrop of the digital skill games sector facing several regulatory and judicial headwinds over the last few months, including bans in some states; PILs seeking punitive action against gaming companies and stricter advertising norms suggested by the Information & Broadcasting Ministry; the draft document, which is open for suggestions and feedback until 19th December, envisages the creation of a certain national level safe-harbour for fantasy sports games.

Access Outlook's Cover Story On Online Gaming HERE

According to reports, it is likely that a final paper is likely to be prepared by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, which is the line ministry for online activities, post which the final paper might be placed before the cabinet for its approval.

Guiding principles

The paper notes the contribution of online fantasy sports towards revenue generation, stating that online fantasy sports companies has the potential to contribute over Rs. 3,000 crores in GST and Rs. 7,000-10,000 crores in direct taxes over the next five years, while also generating thousands of jobs over the next few years.

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The note also states that the sector possesses the ability to garner more than Rs. 10,000 crores in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to the country.

Despite the obvious value addition done by the sector, the report notes that there is a lack of proper recognition for the industry, with companies operating in this space having to take shelter under an undefined exception of ‘games of skill’ provided under most state gambling laws.

Given this ambiguity, the paper goes on to state that 'there is a public interest in the fantasy sports industry receiving Government recognition as an industry and having its own identity. This identity is distinct from other games of skill and legally differentiated from betting and gambling.'

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Gambling Cover Photo

NITI Aayog’s note goes on to state that there should be national-level safe-harbour guidelines to define and regulate formats of the game, protect the interests of the consumers and ensure transparency and accountability.

To this end, it proposes that the government recognises a self-regulatory body, having an independent board of multi-disciplinary members and have membership of operators cumulatively accounting for at least 66% registered fantasy sports users in India.

Some of the guiding principles proposed by NITI Aayog for fantasy sports companies include (i) requirement to comply with all laws and regulations of India; (ii) obligation to offer only skill-predominant fantasy sports formats, which are either judicially recognised or approved by an independent evaluation committee of a government recognised self-regulatory industry body; (iii) have games that pertain to at least one entire real life event; (iv) offer real money games to only persons above 18 years of age and avoid offering any gambling or betting services, etc.

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The paper also advocates that all fantasy sports providers should comply with standards prescribed by the Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI)/other relevant bodies and be fair and truthful, while portraying the game only as a means of amusement and not as a source of sustenance or livelihood.

Need for broader discussion

NITI Aayog’s efforts to give recognition to the sunrise gaming sector is certainly a step in the right direction and indicate the forward-looking vision of the current government, which seeks to create digital entrepreneurs, nurture the startup ecosystem and create an Aatmanirbhar Bharat.

The guidelines can also be seen as a good initiative to restore investor confidence of marquee funds who have invested in this sector, but were left with a great deal of uncertainty after a spate of state-level bans on all kinds of online games and ongoing litigations about the legality of game formats in various courts.

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However, there are few concerns with the proposed guidelines, as well, which would hopefully be addressed by NITI Aayog during the wider stakeholder consultation.

First, questions might be raised as to why the guidelines only cover online fantasy games and not other recognised digital skill-based games, which also satisfy revenue generation, employment and other economic arguments advanced in the paper.

The efficacy and rationale of carving out fantasy sports as a sui generis category out of the broader category of digital games of skill is something that needs to be reflected upon and requires detailed consultation.

Secondly, since gambling and betting along with sports, entertainment and amusements are all state subjects, keeping in mind the spirit of cooperative federalism as enshrined in the constitution, it would be worthwhile to engage in wider stakeholder consultation by soliciting suggestions from all state government and union territories as well.

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Given that gaming is currently governed by state legislations where all online skill games for stakes are made illegal by amendments to the State Gaming Acts are banned by a few states, granting immunity from criminal prosecution to fantasy sports providers in such states as envisaged by the Draft Guidelines might only be possible through an amendment to such existing state gaming law by the state legislatures.

Further, the ministries governing the sector at the central level, i.e. Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Ministry of Law & Justice, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, etc. should also be taken on board to ensure that the guidelines are framed after the broadest possible deliberation and consultation.

Gaming Cover Photos

It would also be ideal if the overarching guidelines proposed by NITI Aayog for all digital games are eventually converted into a central policy framework or legislation by the line ministry along with the formation of an independent regulator.
(Jay Sayta is a law graduate and public policy analyst. He has advised several gaming companies on legal, regulatory, policy and strategic issues. Views expressed are personal.)